Together We Can

Build a future where all students receive the education and resources they need to achieve their highest potential.


Enhanced Student Sense of Belonging

by adding over 900 books in all 15 schools in the SSFUSD , inclusive of diverse student populations.

Increased Access to Learning Outside of the Classroom

including engaging field trips for Baden High School and a soccer league for English Learning Development.

Supported Student Well Being

by providing basic necessities, such as shoes and coats for newcomers.

Expanded Learning Opportunities

through technology updates and so much more!

Please see our latest Annual Report for an update on our latest initiatives and impact.


All students in the South San Francisco Unified School District (SSFUSD) deserve the best possible education. Public funding is not enough to provide the the education our students deserve. With educational underfunding and socioeconomic challenges worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic, the time to join forces to support our students and educators is now. When families, community groups, businesses and schools join forces to support learning, our students and entire community benefit.


— We Embrace Diversity

SSFUSD is a culturally diverse district, with a student population self-identifying as 48% Hispanic/Latino, 21% Filipino, 20% Asian, and 6% White (2022-23). 23% of SSFUSD students are English Learners.

Setting priorities

— We Enhance Equity

42% of SSFUSD students are socioeconomically disadvantaged. Although public schools receive extra funding for students with increased needs, students with multiple needs are only counted once, resulting in underfunding.

Guided by data

— We Prioritize Student Outcomes

Less than half of SSFUSD 3rd-11th graders met state standards for English Language Arts (2022-23). We work with the district to identify trends like this and mobilize resources toward solutions.

Our Approach

Learn from Community

We believe community voices will help us learn about student barriers, needs, inequities and district-wide areas of opportunity.

Build Community Leadership

We create opportunities for more people to get involved in supporting education.

Form Partnerships for Impact

We develop partnerships with organizations to bring programs to SSFUSD schools.

Increase Investments in Education

We raise money from individuals and organizations to bring more resources to SSFUSD students.


2024-2025 Annual Giving Campaign

We hope to raise at least $20,000 to continue and expand the initiatives we fund. All donations are fully tax deductible and any amount is appreciated, no matter the size. All donors will be acknowledged in our annual report for joining the movement toward a public education system where our students can rise and thrive together. Your support will make a big difference in students’ success!

A generous donor has stepped forward to match a $10,000 donation, doubling the impact of your support!